Publicación: International Living Future Institute. Patrick Spencer Grove, LFA
Why did you choose to pursue LFA? I decided to go after the LFA because it presented an opportunity that I had not seen before: To take part in the critical challenge that is to imagine, design and create a regenerative future. I realized that most platforms and instruments we have today, mainly focus on the mitigation of our negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, LFA allows us to have a more holistic and meaningful approach to the problem. How did you earn General LFA credits? (locally, online, etc.) I earned most of my LFA credits online. This was by studying, reading case studies and attending courses, among other activities. This allowed me the flexibility to earn my LFA at my own pace and while I was working full time. How has achieving LFA impacted you and your work? Achieving the LFA had a considerable impact on my way of viewing the current environmental crisis and how we decide to face that issue. It certainly allowed me to have a richer understanding of the necessary steps in order to address these challenges in the built environment context and in other sectors as well. As an undergraduate university professor on environmental design, it has also challenged me to question the role that education has to play in preparing future professionals to address these issues. What's next for you? On the academic aspect, I plan to continue instilling the learnings that I have taken from achieving the LFA, into my classrooms. On the professional aspect, I would like to certify the first LBC project in my home country and help this regenerative philosophy to further spread through our continent. What's your biggest inspiration? My biggest inspiration for continuing working on this challenge is to see the vast amount of LFA professionals around the world and their tireless efforts to continue working towards a regenerative future. Although many of us come from different places and disciplines, there is a sense of unity and teamwork in seeing how so many people are committed to this cause. |
AutorPatrick Spencer Grove Archivos
November 2022